Tuesday, December 23, 2014

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Thursday, December 11, 2014


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Tuesday, November 11, 2014


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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ebook Marketing

April 11, 2011 Australia

eBook Marketing Tips for Maximum Exposure and Profit

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eBook Marketing for Maximum Exposure and Profit is something that all writers and authors want to learn about. But few follow through in taking on the role of promoting their own eBook. The eBook marketing tips in this article will help take you from unknown writer to top selling eBook author!
Do you know what the difference is between unsuccessful authors who struggle with selling just a few of their eBooks and the best-selling authors who have a legion of fans waiting with anticipation for their next eBook or book to be released?
I can tell you that it's certainly not because the best-selling authors are the only authors who have exceptional writing skills! And it's not that million dollar marketing campaign that is funded by their publisher either!
What's required is an "understanding" of what it takes to market their eBook and that involves these key points that you can start implementing within the next few minutes.
Do Your Research and Understand Your Ideal Customer!
By doing some research, you will be able to devise a plan that lets people know what unique information or story you have for them over any other eBook already out there on the market. You will also learn just how much people in your target audience are willing to pay for your eBook. And you will be able to document why your customers will buy from you and not the other author listed above or below you in the online eBook store.
I will continually emphasise the key point that you must target your potential customers. The more successful you are in identifying your target audience, the more successful your eBook marketing online campaign will be.
Build your "Brand" and "Author Platform" that will attract an established loyal audience that will buy because of you!
People will buy your eBook because of You! They will feel confident in knowing that they are getting value for money based on previous experiences. Even if it's getting to know you from your blog, reading sample chapters, or watching eBook trailers that you have created and submitted to YouTube.
As an author, you will find out very quickly that without an established audience who knows you, likes you or trusts you that you will struggle to make every sale. To build this audience that trusts you enough to buy you're eBook you will need to follow the strategies and techniques found in this eBook.
Have a Way of Connecting With Your List of Loyal Fans Who Want to Know When You Release Your eBook!
This can be done in many ways. The most widely used way of communicating with your fans is through the use of social media. You can instantly communicate via Twitter, Facebook or your email list.
You can also do this via your own blog, RSS feeds, press release sent direct to your list of fans or via your author page.
Implement a proven eBook marketing plan that will take your potential customer from contemplation to buying customer!
The first two steps of research and market strategy design are all about providing you with the information you need to reach your target market. Now it is time for action. Now you must use our proven techniques documented here to reach your ideal customer and provide them with no other choice but to take out their wallet or purse and buy your eBook.
The key to making money online as an eBook author or publisher is by giving away free articles, tips, eBooks or quality content with a clear path to at least one source of revenue! You must first give to receive!
What Else Should You Know?
Let's take it one step further and provide you with some more facts that you need to be aware of before embarking on the journey of marketing your eBook.
1. Decide Early on What Your Goals Are With Regards to Your eBook.
Is it going to be given away for free or are you going to sell it? You will run into all sorts of problems if you give it away for free then try to sell it. Never give anything away that you may want to charge money for later on!
2. Don't Sell You eBook if You Are Not Happy With it.
Your reputation as an author is everything. Word spreads very fast these days through the various social media forums. The last thing you need is for a bunch of paying customers to feel that they were ripped off by in buying your eBook. It's all about value for money.
3. eBook Marketing is an Endless Process.
The day you stop marketing and promoting your eBook is the day you will start to see sales drop. If you want to make money online, and you want to do it consistently, then you have to market continuously.
This eBook marketing section will show you how to do it and we will share with you the most powerful marketing tools available to you!
4. Protect Your Work.
Many online stores require DRM eBooks. Some are DRM free. Either way, be sure to add some level of security to your eBook or website where people can download your eBook from. Don't use an obvious title or URL for your download page.
5. Make Sure You Deliver on What You Promise in Your Sales Pitch.
Stay away from all the outrageous sales pitches and just let people know exactly what they will get from your eBook and then deliver on it. Your reputation is vital as an author so don't mislead anyone otherwise no-one will buy your eBooks again.
6. You Don't Have to Re-invent the Wheel!
You don't need to re-invent how sales pages or websites look. Learn from those who are successful and already selling a lot of eBooks from their site. The same applies for eBook stores. Choose one that looks professional and has a structured process for buying and taking payments.
7. You Must Have a Professional Cover Graphic for Your eBook.
People will judge an eBook by its cover so don't lose a potential customer because you try to save a few dollars when creating a cover that falls short of what is required to grab the viewers attention.
8. When You Write Be Original.
Many authors do their research and get ideas from others; however, you should never copy old ideas and re-sell them. You have to come up with something new if you wish to create a strong reputation for yourself. You will likely have customers who have already read other eBooks in your category. And if you re-hatch old ideas they will catch you out.
9. Your Marketing Campaign Plan of Action
Your marketing campaign requires a plan of action based on the identification of your ideal customer. If you think you can randomly post comments online without any structure or purpose, then you will likely waste a lot of your time. You will need to be able to measure your results just as any other marketing company would do.
10. Everyone With a Computer is a Potential Customer!
The Internet has changed how the world conducts its marketing. The internet has allowed "every person with a computer in the world" to potentially become one of your customers. Previously, store owners would just advertise within their local area.
Now, with eBooks being a digital file, anyone, anywhere can buy your eBook. This powerful thought is what you should focus on when creating your online marketing campaign.
11. Publishing Has Changed and the Author is Now in Control
Traditional publishing has been hit hard in recent years due to the sudden rise in popularity of digital publishing and the high uptake of eBook reading devices. This benefits the author! It is exciting times for authors in the writing world as eBooks have put some new life back into reading.
12. Embrace and Utilise the Internet and Technology
As an eBook author you must be willing to embrace the internet and technology in order to market your eBook and generate sales. For many people this can be a daunting task where your first thought is "it's too complicated for my level of computer knowledge." The tools we have listed in our marketing plan can be utilised by anyone.
The eBook marketing tools available to you today have never been more accessible and easier to use. And the best thing is that the majority of them are free. You no longer need to know html code or how to build your own website or blog. The "WYSWYG" website building tools allow you to easily build your own website for very little cost.
13. Social Media
If you think that social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are just for teenagers, you will be surprised to find out that some of the most successful authors use these sites to generate a lot of interest for their work and to also connect with their target audience.
14. Your Customers are Online and it is Those People Who Also Use These Sites Who Could Buy Your eBook. You will need to use technology if you want to reach them so you need to be online or at least have your eBook or author page available to be found.
15. Get Online and Diversify
In order to reach the millions of people buying eBooks on the internet you need to be online and reach them via a multiple of different avenues. This includes connecting with them via social media sites, your author web page, blogs, audio podcasts, YouTube videos and many more sites listed further on in this eBook.
16. The Internet Has Also Become the Fastest and Best Way to Build Your Author Platform.
The internet allows people to find you and then hopefully engage with you which will start that "Author - Reader" connection. Then, over time they will then be more likely to buy your eBooks.
17. The World has Gone Mobile!
We are now living in a "mobile" world where we have access to various mobile devices such as iPhone, iPads, mobile and cell phones to all sorts of eReaders. The benefit to you as an author is that you know can reach a bigger audience than you once could via one-on-one marketing techniques. You just need to reach the mass market utilising the right tools for you.
Our eBook Author Academy's mission is to assist you in getting more eyes on your eBook. And not just any eyes, but the ones who really want or need it!
If you could think of the most rewarding and amazing success story for your eBook what would it be? Would it be selling 20,000 copies? Would it be seeing your eBook on a bestseller list? How about a new career as a professional writer? Maybe it will be just hearing the personal stories from one your readers about how your eBook has enriched or changed their life? Whatever it may be, our eBook Author Academy will provide you with all the eBook marketing tools, writing tips and resources to help you achieve your dream! Visit http://www.eBookAuthorAcademy.com which has been helping writers become successfully published authors since 2004.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_A_Horne

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Secure Your Finances With Three Simple Actions

Millions of people do not understand how important it is to be financially stable. Financial stability does not necessarily refer to having a well paying job and a lot of money. In order to be secure, one has to know how to handle their monetary resources. You need to be able to determine how you will spend, save and invest your money. This will make sure that you are financially secure.

How to use your money

There are simple tricks you can apply to your life to ensure you are utilizing your money well. The three main elements are to make sure you can;

· Spend

· Save

· Invest

When you get your salary or profits from your business ventures, you must be willing to pay attention to all these three areas. The secrets to maintaining a constant structure that will ensure you are financially stable is by following the pointers below.

1. Budget

Always budget whenever you get your money. Be logical when you do so. Write down all your expenses and needs. When you budget, always indicate payments you have to make to insurance companies or loan payments if they are not part of your net pay. Once you have a clear picture of how much you are spending, you can now know how much to save.

2. Saving

Choose a savings account that will generate more funds for you. You may need to do some research before you settle for one. If you have dependents, you may want to put money aside for their needs as well such as tuition savings. Allocate your savings according to your needs.

3. Invest

Investing ensures that your future is secure. Once you have done your savings and budgeted well, make sure you take a leap of faith and invest your money in other ways. For instance, you can put some money into company shares.

For the sake of your family, you can also apply for insurance. Life insurance is the best since it covers both you and your loved ones. There are many options available for such insurance covers like new policies that offer life insurance without medical.

With these three factors in place, you can begin to take charge of your finances. In the event that you have extra money to spare, hiring a financial manager will ensure you keep track of all your expenditures. Be sure to prioritize in the first stages so that you meet your goals and live within your means.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7939022