Top best ways to do part time job for school and college students
From reading this article we know that you would be a college or
school student. And we can understand that you are searching the best
ways to earn pocket money. Read below to discover the appropriate and
to select your best suited ways for earning pocket money.
1. Freelance Writer (Article Writer) :
Freelance writer means " Write articles and get paid" .
This is best and top most ways to earn hand some of pocket money. This
is most flexible part time job that you can do from anywhere like from
your school, college campus, office campus, while traveling.
Main qualification to do this part time job is writing skill. Yes you
should be good in English and you should be able to write in any topic.
There were many companies offering this part time jobs for freelancers.
They will provide you a topic, you need to write good article about the
given topic. If its looks good and haves good information, then you
will get paid from that company.
To get exact good paying company you need to search around the web with
the keywords like " earn money from writing articles " , " article
writing jobs " , " freelance writing jobs ".
2. Tour Guide :
If you
are living near any tourist places like having temples , museum , beach ,
theme park , palace , etc,. Then becoming tourist guide would be a best
part time job for you and there by you can earn hand some of pocket
money with out any investment. Not need to invest even a single penny to
become a tour guide.
If you are ready to do this part time job, then give your complete
resume to all travel companies in your and near by cities. Because,
travel companies will handle out station peoples lot, so if any those
peoples in need of a guide, that travel company will connect you with
those peoples.
3. Gym Trainer & Fitness Instructor :
you are good in fitness skills like general exercise, yoga, then you can
become a fitness instructor. If you have a fit and sleek body, and if
you have basic knowledge about gym, you are eligible to become a part
time or full time gym trainer.
4. Part Time Sales Representative :
coming from you school or college you can work as a part time sales
representative in evening times. Yes, many companies like
Amway ,
Thirty-One ,
Reliance Mutual Funds ,
Birla Mutual Funds ,
Oriental Insurance and many more companies providing part time sales representative jobs.