Wednesday, March 22, 2017

omo ega by femi adebayo

Friday, March 17, 2017

suuru by bimbo oshin


Hearing and Listening Are Not Necessarily the Same

Do you ever feel that no one speaks clearly anymore? Do conversations become too difficult to follow, so you simply stop listening altogether? Have you noticed that people are getting more and more impatient with you because they have to repeat themselves when they try to have a conversation with you? If any of these situations sound a little too familiar, then you have probably reached the stage in life where you would benefit greatly from Miracle Ear hearing aids.
Miracle Ear aids for hearing are one of the best known brands of listening devices to help overcome such problems and also one of the most popular brands. And, this is for a very good reason. These devices are provided to the public through two highly trusted names in hearing healthcare: Miracle-Ear Clinics and Sears Hearing Aid Centers. These two well-known names have been in the hearing improvement business and have been providing testing and various hearing-related solutions for close to 60 years.
Miracle Ear aids for hearing are available in numerous styles and models ranging from the most basic type of ear hearing aids to the most cutting-edge and advanced hearing aid products available on the market today. With such a wide selection, you will no doubt find a solution that will fit just about any budget and lifestyle.
One of the best things about the Sears Hearing Aid Centers is that they are locally owned. So, in addition to having a nationally recognized name brand and long-standing reputation for quality and reliability, you also are able to enjoy the type of personalized care and attention that you want when it is time to invest in devices for better hearing. Because of their association with Sears, all of the centers are outfitted with the best in state-of-the-art equipment for hearing testing as well.
When you purchase Miracle Ear devices for hearing through a Sears Hearing Aid Center you are also assured that you will be taken care of by someone who cares about the citizens from the local community. At the same time, everyone on staff is fully trained and highly qualified. The hearing aid technology you need will be suited perfectly for your specific condition, whether it is a case of mild hearing loss or a severe loss situation.
No matter what the situation, starting your search for hearing solutions at a Sears Hearing Aid Center will give you a solid start. You will be able to have tests done for yourself, or for your children, and you will be able to review a number of different types of Miracle Ear aids for hearing all in once convenient location that is dedicated to better hearing for you and your whole family.
Visit us for free tips and training to help you make quick easy money and have the financial freedom you deserve.


1.1 Applica􀆟ons are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission to Ter􀆟ary
Ins􀆟tu􀆟ons in Nigeria for the 2017/2018 academic session.
2.1 The period of sale/registra􀆟on for UTME is from Monday 20th March to Wednesday 19th
April 2017 while registra􀆟on closes on Saturday 22nd April 2017.
For DIRECT ENTRY, the applica􀆟on will be on sale from Sunday 23rd April, 2017
i. Each candidate must have personal e-mail address and mobile phone number.
ii. Each candidate is to use his/her func􀆟onal and valid personal e-mail address. The
system would reject at the point of registra
demo on how to use eight (8) keys for UTME examina􀆟on without mouse.(For
candidates with li􀆩le familiarity with Computers)
vii. Each Candidate is to complete the online applica􀆟on form by supplying the required
details such as name, e-mail address, L.G.A., academic qualifica􀆟ons, etc.
viii. At the CBT centre, Candidate's ten fingers biometric and image will be captured and
ix. O/L and/or A/L grades are to be provided by candidates. Candidates who are awai
Each Candidate is to collect his e-slip at the end of registra􀆟on as evidence of
There will be no offline registra􀆟on, as all the accredited CBT centres have been
empowered for real life online registra􀆟on. No candidate should register at any centre
other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State office. Any candidate who is
registered outside approved centres will be iden􀆟fied and disqualified.
4.1 The general entry requirements for admission into the First Degree, Na􀆟onal Diploma
(ND), Na􀆟onal Innova􀆟on Diploma (NID) and Nigeria Cer􀆟ficate in Educa􀆟on (NCE)
programmes in Universi􀆟es, other Degree-Awarding Ins􀆟tu􀆟ons, Monotechnics,
Polytechnics, Innova􀆟on Enterprise Ins􀆟tutes and Colleges of Educa􀆟on are available
in the e- Brochure which would be given to each Candidate at the accredited CBT
centres and JAMB state offices.
4.2 Candidates with one of the following qualifica􀆟ons may be considered for admission by
Direct Entry:
(a) A minimum of five (5) GCE/WASCE credits at not more than two si􀆫ngs with at least
two Principal or Advanced level G.C.E. and the others.
(b) Two passes at the IJMB Advanced Level Examina􀆟on, Cambridge moderated Schools of
Basic Studies Terminal Examina􀆟on, JUPEB or Ins􀆟tute of Baccalaureate from
recognised ins􀆟tu􀆟ons with SSCE/GCE, NTS/NBC credits equivalent in three other
(c) Passes in two major subjects in the NCE with S.S.C.E., NTC/NBC credits or equivalents in
THREE other subjects (mainly for Educa􀆟on Courses) and ND. Educa􀆟on may be
accepted as a third A' Level subject for those taking courses in Educa􀆟on.
(d) Minimum of lower credit grade in Na􀆟onal Diploma or Na􀆟onal Innova􀆟on Diploma
including the O'Level requirements.
(e) Candidates are to note that they will be required to provide their JAMB registra􀆟on
number which they used in gaining admission to NCE, Diploma etc for Direct Entry
5.1 On the 2017 registra􀆟on pla􀆞orm, Candidates are to note that their 1st choice
can be a College of Educa􀆟on, University, Innova􀆟ve Enterprise Ins􀆟tutes,
Polytechnics/Monotechnics, NDA (Nigerian Defence Academy) or Nigeria
Police Academy.
6.1 The 2017 UTME will commence on 6th May and end on 20th May, 2017 (excluding
May 12, 2017 because of Candidates si􀆫ng for WAEC's Further Mathema􀆟cs
6.2 The venue of the examina􀆟on will be at any centre in the candidate's chosen
examina􀆟on town.
7.1 Registra􀆟on fee for the 2017 Unified Ter􀆟ary Matricula􀆟on Examina􀆟on or
Direct Entry is Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000) only. Candidates are also, as
usual, to pay Five Hundred Naira (₦500) only to obtain the reading text- 'In
Dependence' for UTME candidates and ''The Last Days at Forcados High
School'' for Direct Entry Candidates.
7.2 Candidates should note that e-PINS being purchased are 􀆟ed to individual
profile and are not transferable.
7.3 Candidates are advised to keep as confiden􀆟al their security details such as
registra􀆟on numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, e-mail addresses and
The Board will mount a mock examina􀆟on in all the accredited CBT centres to
prepare and familiarise INTERESTED Candidates with the CBT environment.
Interested candidates are advised to indicate their interest in the mock
examina􀆟on during the registra􀆟on process.
The CBT Centres are allowed to collect through their (CBT Centres)bank accounts,
a separate Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) only, for this exercise a􀅌er no􀆟fica􀆟on of
centre has been received by the Candidate. The payment for mock examina􀆟on
shall be made to the centres to which the candidate is assigned a􀅌er the

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

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